Judson Knight's Epic World

Thursday, July 07, 2005


At 10:30 AM, July 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinating article, Jud- I really enjoyed reading it. Reminds me on a much smaller scale of how some economists on CNBC were explaining how much stronger Japan is than the US because the people there have so much more in the way of personal savings than we do. An absurd statement, really, when you consider that so many of us here own homes whereas less than 5% of Japanese people own their own homes.


At 3:24 PM, July 11, 2005, Blogger Carol Burnside aka Annie Rayburn said...

Hmmm. That last picture SO reminds me of Honolulu from the Tantalus lookout. Wonder if it's a sign of what's to come or just the result of too many people living on one island?

At 5:45 AM, August 02, 2005, Blogger merlinsmuse said...

Oh. My. God. These photographs are my nightmares come to life. Seriously, I love nature and all that it offers. I cringe every time I see a beautiful meadow and elegant trees with arching limbs get plowed and leveled to make way for a subdivision of boxes stacked side by side. That's bad enough, but these photos go a step further to a dimension I can't even (don't want to) imagine. Yuck! I know, not a very eloquent word, but it suits. I hope with all my heart that this is not the way of our future.


At 2:45 PM, August 02, 2005, Blogger Judson Knight said...

I'm with you, Cathy, especially as one who evacuated a place with a notorious record for destroying natural beauty in favor of commercial utility--Atlanta. But when you look at China, where state and corporate capitalism are wedded to an existing system of repressive government, then you really see the horrors of untrammeled development. People love to complain about the environmental record of a certain North American superpower, yet the majority of the world's governments--especially that of China--have little or no regard for the environment. At least here we have all kinds of checks and balances, whereas in China, if it suits the government's needs, it gets built. Hence such horrors as the Three Gorges Dam. Anyway, thanks for commenting.

At 3:31 PM, August 08, 2005, Blogger merlinsmuse said...

Hmmm, thanks for the link to Three Gorges Dam. I remember catching the tail end of a documentary on it a couple of years ago, but had forgotten the immenseness of the project. I think we as a species need to learn when to leave well enough alone and start harmonizing with the environment, rather than destroying.

Just my humble two cents worth.



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