Judson Knight's Epic World

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"What Color Bear Are You?"

Okay, to Robin, Michele, Dineen, and Mel, many thanks for reminding me that I'm not, to quote Shelley (? I think?), "an abstract demon beating his wings in a void." Or to put it less opaquely, thanks for the shout-outs, ladies! And don't think I've failed to notice the fact that "Robin, Michele, Dineen, and Mel" sounds like a very marketable name for a singing group. Do any of you have any pressing engagements in the next six months? Kids, family, jobs, books, etc.? If not, and supposing I could induce my wife to make a lateral move into music management, I'll bet we could make a mint.

More about the Agency (and the reason for my title here) in a minute, but first, to Bad Alice--thanks for coming back and posting and responding so nicely to my comment. No, I don't think anybody today thinks that terrorism is just an illusion; unlike Communism, it's too in-your-face for that. And I do believe that the vast majority of Americans who oppose the current Administration's approach to the war on terror are doing so in good faith. As for the matter of Communism, I started to write some comments and these quickly morphed into many paragraphs, so I figured I'd better save it for another post. In the meantime, thanks for reading, everybody!

I've been wanting to get back here and post for a couple of days now, but we've had a guest: Nephele Tempest, who in addition to being our L.A. agent is also a friend. It's been great for her to have an opportunity to work at the "home office" and enjoy all the great support Deidre, Pamela, and I get from our fabulous staff--Samantha Jenkins, Julie Ramsey, and Elaine Spencer--but it's not been all work: on Monday, the six of them went for a spa day at the Ritz-Carlton as a reward for hitting our sales goal in '05.

And Nephele is also staying with Deidre and me and our two daughters. Upon seeing her for the first time in a year, our three-year-old--who refers to herself as "pink bear" when she's wearing a cute little bathrobe she got for Christmas, one that is indeed pink with a bear design--informed us that Ms. Nephele was "a purple bear." Pink Bear has this talent for deciding what color bear someone is, a gift I discovered one night when she informed me that Daddy was both a red bear and a brown bear. Mommy, as I recall, is a white bear, and Big Sister is a blue bear.

I'm thinking that maybe this ability to identify people's bear color may indicate a future for her as a killer literary agent. Often we dream with our kids of a day when they and their cousins will take over the company from Deidre and Pamela, and though she's the youngest of the group, Pink Bear has the kind of tenacious spirit that might bring her to the forefront. If she can one day identify future bestsellers with the same ease that she does bear colors, Deidre and I need not worry about our retirement plan.


At 2:33 PM, January 11, 2006, Blogger Bad Alice said...

Aw, that's cute. Is she a CareBear fan? My three-year-old thinks she's a cat.

At 7:21 PM, January 11, 2006, Blogger Dana Pollard said...

Bad Alice - a word of advice... don't expect your three-year-old to change. My eight-year-old twin girls STILL think they are dogs. I haven't had a reason to buy a pet.

Great blog, Judson! Robin gave me directions.

At 7:40 PM, January 11, 2006, Blogger Bad Alice said...

Dana: My six-year-old thinks she's a rpop star a la Hillary Duff. I think I would prefer her imitating doggies.

At 8:21 PM, January 11, 2006, Blogger Michele said...

Amazing! Another great post, Judson...and less than a month apart! *wink*

Love the story of Pinkbear.
Amazing how she knows that parents can be two bear colors and still be the same person.(bear?)
We all have moods and it looks like she's very perceptive for her age.
Red huh? Brown? There's a message there I think :-)

Thanks for sharing a heartwarming literary family snapshot.
Made for a nice blog post.
Hope you continue to have sales success in 2006 that outstrips 2005's figures.
When that happens, Does that mean it'll be your turn to go to a fancy/schmanzy place and get papmered????

At 8:50 PM, January 11, 2006, Blogger Dineen A. Miller said...

Aww, love the color identification. I've found this to be true of artists, including myself. We attribute a mood or attitude to a color. Or even a personality.

So, um, what colors are we wearing for the band?

At 5:29 AM, January 12, 2006, Blogger Michele said...

Good question, Dineen!!
We may be an all girl band, but I hope we can stay away from Pastels!

And we better not have a band based on Spinal Tap!!
*gasp* Oh no..Judson LIKED Spinal Tap.
OK, so maybe pastels aren't so bad....

At 11:37 AM, January 12, 2006, Blogger The Girl You Used to Know said...

I can't sing, but I can put on a helluva show!

I've decided I'm DayGlo-Pink Bear.

At 5:53 AM, January 13, 2006, Blogger Judson Knight said...

Thanks, everybody! Yes, Bad Alice, she's a Care Bear fan--this in addition to holding the unofficial title "Fifth Teletubbie."

Michele, if we keep on hitting our goals, the fancy-schmantzy place where I can be pampered will be my own home in the middle of my own regular life, so you won't hear me complaining.

As for questions about band colors, well, you all gave me a great idea for a post--coming later today. Thanks again for all your remarks!

At 6:02 AM, January 13, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, well, well....while I'm busy with revisions and editing, you guys play without me! LOL

Funny how kids see in things which are familiar to them, and take it a step further. My 3yr old is into kitties....all different colors. Astute child that she is, she's labeled me the "black cat"! Hmmmm....me thinks she knows too much at her young age! LOL

As for my retirement plan, the 15 yr old is debating becoming a lawyer. Now while most parents would do cartwheels over this, I'm hesitant. Do I really want my daughter to be one of THOSE? LOL But hey, she has 3 more years to decide. I'd rather see her pursue art...she has a talent I can't even begin to comprehend.

And about the band......Mel, I can't sing a note either! Horrid. Dogs run howling in protest. But I can dance! We could let Michele and Dineen sing and Mel and I could dance. Hmm. That could be interesting. As for the colors we wear...Dineen, girl, you KNOW I refuse to wear anything but dark colors. Like....black, brown, black, red, black, deep purple, black.....hmmm...now I'm seeing where the black cat comes into play! LOL

Thanks for posting again, Judson! And you know what, you could always go spend a day at a spa yourself. Hey, we all deserve to be pampered.

At 11:29 AM, January 13, 2006, Blogger Judson Knight said...

Robin, your comment about the group wearing black is a perfect lead-in to my next post--thanks!

At 9:25 PM, January 13, 2006, Blogger Nephele Tempest said...

I have to chime in here to note that my favorite color is purple, something Ms. Pink Bear was unaware of when she assigned me my bear color. The kid's got a good eye... though I'm not sure that indicates a future as a literary agent. Hey Jud, how about an interior decorator or fashion designer to add a little variety to the family business? ;-)


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